What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is an attempt to save a dead or dying tooth, when a tooth dies it becomes necrotic and this leads to infection. Purpose of root canal is to remove the infection and necrotic tissue from inside the mouth and then to seal the tooth.

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Root canal

Does it work?

Usually the success is relatively good, this increase and decreases depending where it is in the mouth, usually the further back in the mouth the harder, it also depends on the complexity of the canals and access.

Why should I have a crown after a root canal?

When a tooth is root filled, it becomes brittle, to try and increase the success of longevity we put a crown over the tooth to give the tooth more protection.

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Why am I in pain after root canal treatment?

This can be for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons is because of assault of the underlying structure during the process which can lead to a bruising like pain that can last around 2 weeks, but sometimes a lot longer. Pain killers usually help relieve this but sometimes antibiotics maybe required.

What is the alternative?

The alternative to root canal when trying to correct a necrotic tooth is to extract the tooth, as this is the source of the infection hence removing the tooth usually resolves the infection.

What is dry socket?

Dry socket of localised alveolitis, is infection of the socket following extraction, this usually happens when the clot that forms after the extraction is lost, so exposes the open wound to food and debris from the oral cavity hence leading to local infection. You should visit your dentist to have this dressed if this happens.

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Dry socket