General Dentistry Treatments

We provide Private Dentistry to help with your dental wellness. Our friendly, highly qualified team are here to answer any of your questions.

Routine Check-ups

Root Canal Treatment

What is a root canal?

A root canal is an attempt to save a dead or dying tooth, when a tooth dies it becomes necrotic and this leads to infection. Purpose of root canal is to remove the infection and necrotic tissue from inside the mouth and then to seal the tooth.

Does it work?

Usually the success is relatively good, this increase and decreases depending where it is in the mouth, usually the further back in the mouth the harder, it also depends on the complexity of the canals and access.

Why should I have a crown after a root canal?

When a tooth is root filled, it becomes brittle, to try and increase the success of longevity we put a crown over the tooth to give the tooth more protection.

Emergency Dental Care

Routine Check-ups

Routine Check-ups

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

We specialise in Cosmetic Dentistry, including Veneers, Teeth Bonding and Smile Makeovers. Our committed & professional team is can help you find the best treatment for your dentistry needs.

Routine Check-ups

Root Canal Treatment

Emergency Dental Care

Routine Check-ups

Routine Check-ups