
What are Veneers?

This is usually thin pieces of porcelain that are lab made and added to the teeth to improve the appearance and colour of the teeth.

What are the down points?

It can be costly depending how many veneers a person may wish, but a person much be careful and take care of them

What are the good points?

Usually the results can last a long time and the colour rarely changes when taken care of properly,  ask your dentist for more information.


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Teeth Whitening

What is tooth whitening?

This is where we use try and change the shade of your teeth for a more favourable colour. It’s purpose is to give you are more brighter fresher smile.

What happens If I want Hollywood smile?

This is usually achieved via crowns and veneers, whitening may initially be done to aid this.

Does it damage the tooth?

Tooth whitening is seen as the least invasive method of whitening your teeth

Are there any side effects?

Usually the most common is sensitivity which usually only lasts as long as you are whitening your teeth. This can usually be reduced by wearing your trays with sensitive toothpaste

What types are there ?

Currently we have three types of whitening, trays which are made from moulds of your teeth, then syringes are given which you would wear in the trays either over night or in the day, also we provide whitening pens which comes with light activation devise. And also in surgery whitening where we use a bright light and whiten your teeth?

I have fillings will they whiten?

Usually if the whitening desired is only a mild shade improvement comp fillings will not usually need to be changed, but if more then fillings and crowns will need to be changed.

What happens if I run out of whitening gel and I want to whiten more?

More whitening gel can be purchased under the prescription from your dentist

What happens if I want to have coffee/tea while I am whitening?

The intrinsic staining of teeth is usually from a combination of different food that we eat and drinks, hence for best results we would advise to avoid food/drinks that may discolour your teeth.

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Invisible Braces



My teeth are not straight what can I do?

Usually the least invasive method to straight teeth is by braces, ask your dentist for more information.

Which ones do you offer?

Current for adult we offer a range of invisible braces with different budgets to suit most people

I have straight teeth but they are moving, is this normal?

Yes, this is very common and is a natural consequence of aging and diet

Can I stop it?

Usually the best way to stop teeth moving is to use retainers, ask your dentist for more information or visit our partners website:  Invisalign treatment | Invisalign clear aligners

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